Learning Objectives#
Perform basic arithmetic operations in Julia
Use logical operators to perform logical operations
Apply comparison operators to compare values
Understand the syntax and usage of different operators in Julia
Implement basic mathematical and logical operations in Julia scripts
Arithmetic Operations#
x = 10
y = 3
println("X: ", x)
println("Y: ", y)
# Addition
println("Addition, x + y: ", x + y)
# Subtraction
println("Subtraction, x - y: ", x - y)
# Multiplication
println("Multiplication, x * y: ", x * y)
# Division
println("Divison, x / y: ", x / y)
# Floor Division
println("Floor Division, x ÷ y: ", x ÷ y)
# Modulus
println("Modulus, x % y: ", x % y)
println("Exponentiation, x ^ y: ", x^y)
X: 10
Y: 3
Addition, x + y: 13
Subtraction, x - y: 7
Multiplication, x * y: 30
Divison, x / y: 3.3333333333333335
Floor Division, x ÷ y: 3
Modulus, x % y: 1
Exponentiation, x ^ y: 1000
Logical Operations#
Within Julia AND is denoted with &&
, OR with ||
and NOT with !
a = true
b = false
println("a: ", a)
println("b: ", b)
println("a AND B: ", a && b) # false
println("a OR B: ", a || b) # true
println("NOT a: ", !a) # false
a: true
b: false
a AND B: false
a OR B: true
NOT a: false
Comparison Operations#
Comparison operations in Julia work on numeric and other comparable types.
println("X: ", x)
println("Y: ", y)
# Equality
println("Is x equal to y: ", x == y)
# Inequality
println(" Is x not equal to y: ", x != y) # true
# Less than, Greater than
println("Is x less than y: ", x < y) # false
println("Is x greater than y: ", x > y) # true
# Less than or equal to, Greater than or equal to
println("Is x less than or equal to y: ", x <= y) # false
println("Is x greater than or equal to y: ", x >= y) # true
UndefVarError: `x` not defined
[1] top-level scope
@ In[1]:2